Every organisation has problems at some point in its lifetime. The evolution of  an organisation involves changes and challenges that need to be addressed in order to improve the structure, procedures, and even the culture depending on the actual circumstances. Tackling a project, creating a project office and carrying out organisational transformation projects are all very important and significant challenges that require collective resolve, the support of management and exceptional communication.

These processes of transformation cannot be undertaken in an individual effort. The simple will of one person does not change an organisation, but it is necessary to combine the willpower, interests and attitudes of everyone so that the desired outcome can be achieved. When facing a process of organisational change, it is helpful to have as a guide, a series of steps that have proven to be effective in the case of such a  process. A good reference is the  8 steps model proposed by  Jonh Kotter in his book “Leading Change", we can briefly summarise the points:

  1. Create a sense of urgency: For the most successful changes, it is helpful if the entire company wants it. To ensure this kind of backing and the necessary motivation, it is imperative that a sense of urgency is felt about the need for change.
  2. Form a powerful coalition: Work toward gaining the necessary support by creating a coalition of people who, motivated by your ideas and proposals, help to persuade others that there is a need for change.
  3. Create a vision for change: Outline a clear and extensive vision that explains the required effort and strategic initiatives that will contribute to achieving this vision. This will support the change.
  4. Communicate the vision: Spread the vision and surround yourself with people who support the change and understand the criticality of implementing it. Talk about your vision frequently and set the example as one who wholly believes in the change.
  5. Remove obstacles: Reduce hindrances by revising procedures, structures and beliefs that limit or jeopardize the desired change. Reward those who embrace and implement the change speedily and with conviction.
  6. Create short-term wins: Produce, evaluate and celebrate achievements and look at how they complement the final results. Nothing motivates like success, especially at the beginning of a project.
  7. Build on the Change: Many projects relating to change fail because victory is declared too quickly. It is important to do evaluations throughout the process, and only consider it a success when the change has become a new habit in the organisation.
  8. Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture: To sustain a change in the organisation, it must be incorporated into the core of the organisation and should be reflected in its strategic principles, operational procedures and in its culture.

Remember: Never try to make an organisational change on your own. Look for support, create an optimal environment and work steadfastly.

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