Let’s face it: making a good plan is a difficult task. It is necessary to identify all the requirements and break down the work in a way that is manageable and achievable by the team, appropriately managing dependencies between tasks and grouping work so that the best result is obtained.

Gantt, ITM Platform

ITM Platform offers an advance editor Gantt  to complete the plan and pursue it on a very easy form.

Planning is complicated, but it is even harder to turn that plan into a reality. Put to work the whole team in a coordinated manner without loss efforts unnecessary tasks is a real challenge. Good communication and leadership skills with the team are required. Each team member should know what to do and must be responsible for their work, that’s why communication is so important in managing teams factor. Communicate and involve the team in decisions get to work hard in the right direction.

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ITM Platform has a social red  corporative  that makes it simple to communicate with the team.

In addition to assigning and communicate to each team member their tasks, it is necessary to accurately track the subsequent work and progress. Those responsible for each task should report frequently on progress achieved, without waiting to have a problem, so that the project manager can deal with any eventuality. This communication must be fluid and simple to perform, assuming no additional equipment work.

In short, it plans to stop being just good intentions we deploy all our communication skills and leadership for the team to work hard and achieve the expected project results.

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