If intelligence is accustomed to discussing and asking questions and power is averse to discussing in favor of commanding, a contradiction arises and should be examined. It seems that power must be the enemy of both intelligence and education. How could it be otherwise?

In each new decision taken and each project undertaken, a leader has their own way of meeting and enforcing targets. Their intellectual capacity and education will be automatically reflected throughout the organization; in the attitudes of the team. At the heart of this managerial process, the educational methods and values of the leader are constraints on making the team complete the organization’s mission in the best possible manner.


Bearing in mind that there are no established criteria for doing this, strategic management becomes an art form in which resources (people) will think and communicate as designers and artists. Hence, the project manager becomes the company artist. And the art of management will be revealed through the higher or lower intellectual learning of the leader and employees.

Higher learning does not refer to the level of study reached but rather the improvement in personal management of human resources at an organization. Many project managers lack the knowledge to convey the commitment needed from all to the company’s mission, and do not communicate this effectively.

But, what is good communication?

The expression of motivation and commitment, encouragement of a sense of responsibility, a passion for active participation and a desire to take the initiative - this is good communication. The dream of any spokesperson is profitable management of human resources, and higher learning is recommended for achieving this.

Do not try to convey one single truth about the company’s past but rather increase awareness about the fact that the past is perceived differently by the employees. Tackle sensitive and controversial issues that take place in a responsible manner and foster long-term reconciliation in divided project teams. Also recognize that current education at the company is related to past experiences with customers and current challenges. Use the history of our environment as a means to express an understanding of the present and embrace the strengths of the team to develop human values, beliefs, attitudes and trends to be implemented at the company. Democracy, tolerance, respect for human rights, mutual understanding, social cohesion, solidarity, freedom, courage, equal opportunities and responsibility, but also love and friendship.

A better attitude toward oneself, a civic spirit and community. Managing with higher learning will increase understanding about the extent and depth of humanity among colleagues, leading not only to cultural awareness but also to personal growth.

Hence, strategic management introduces global perspectives and tackles multiple areas of the company. In search of commitment from the whole company, i.e. better management so that people cooperate and act more amicably. It is important that everyone at the company is clear about these factors when a leader implements them. Because if everyone acts with these factors in mind, the mission and vision will be reflected in the values. 

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