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Project indicators: the difference between estimated and actual percentages

Project indicators: the difference between estimated and actual percentages

There are many more metrics to consider when measuring management effectiveness, project profitability, and even the contribution to the long-term objectives of the organization. Cost and time measures are a start, but it is important to complement them. There are now multiple measures that monitor the project during its development and allow for a more accurate analysis. Read more here.

The 10 areas of knowledge. 4: Project Cost Management

The 10 areas of knowledge. 4: Project Cost Management

Project cost management is one of the most important sections of the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) and seeks, from a theoretical and practical point of view, to determine and control the costs involved in the project execution. This is an important area of ​​knowledge since no project can be considered without having set aside sufficient resources for its execution. Read more here...

Change Management Concepts and Definitions

Change Management Concepts and Definitions

ike all sciences and disciplines, project management and change management have a particular language. In this way, a better understanding of professionals in this field is achieved, which can be communicated without creating ambiguities. However, for newcomers in these areas, terminology can be complex and confusing. Read more here...

The Agile PMO

The Agile PMO

It is not clear what an agile PMO is or how it is structured. It is becoming increasingly urgent to clarify this aspect, since many teams and even entire organizations, especially in the field of software and application development, rely entirely on agile methodologies such as SCRUM.

Change systems are the new norm

Change systems are the new norm

These change systems could be seen as a journey, in which one begins at the origin and directs the steps towards a destination, considering that success has been achieved when the objectives established in a given time have been achieved. Read more here...

5 Pre-Vacation Stress-Busting Tips for Project Managers

5 Pre-Vacation Stress-Busting Tips for Project Managers

The responsibilities as project manager are important, but the project can't stop when we're gone. Here are five stress-busting tips for before your holiday, so you can get away and enjoy yourself comfortably.

PM in Practice 4. The Pentagon: How excellence does not prevent waste

PM in Practice 4. The Pentagon: How excellence does not prevent waste

The Pentagon is not only the symbol of the most powerful military power in the world, but the supreme governing body of the American military: the public organization that has contributed the most to the consolidation of project management as a discipline. Read more...

3 pieces of advice to be a better leader of remote teams

3 pieces of advice to be a better leader of remote teams

Project managers and PMO officers muster a highly technical skill set. However, the soft skills in which they need to be well-versed in order to be recognized as leaders have become one of the toughest areas of excellence for any project-based organization. Read more...

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